Expert Witness
RII has extensive experience performing expert witness assignments, serving on 100+ cases over the last 20 years. You will find RII responsive and flexible. For a complete case history, Curriculum Vitae and our standard terms of engagement, please contact us.
+Cases have involved Appraisals, Feasibility studies, Transportation and cost analysis, Operations and Safety
+Equipment and Facilities, Railroad regulatory issues and right of way
+All case types from property and equipment damage, personal and employee injuries and fatalities to loss of business, operational costing, rate and regulatory analysis, industry standards and benchmarks, etc.
+Handles plaintiffs and defendants on behalf of railroads, other transportation companies, shippers, government entities, individuals, organizations and investors alike
+Understands the special requirements for recordkeeping, confidentiality, conflicts of interest and timeliness
+Able to meet tight deadlines and be flexible with changing court schedules
+Experience with testimony, deposition and verified statements
+Reduced rates for support work, research and analysis
Lakeview Railway Contract Liability & Loss of Business Case
RII was tasked with developing the loss of business damages for this case of contract breach for a short line railroad that had been replaced before its contract had expired. The assignment required vetting traffic on the line, including prospective business for likelihood, roll out schedule and traffic volumes. All commodities were researched for their industry growth factors and RII developed the existing, potential and expected growth of railroad traffic and revenue for the railroad for the remaining years of the contract. RII's revenue projections were essential in settling the case for the maximum insurance payout for the Client from the liable County railroad owner.
Rate Regulation Cases before STB
RII was involved as one of the experts for 4 rail rate cases brought before the United States Surface Transportation Board (STB) from 2008-2015. The cases were filed on behalf of 3 shippers: Dupont, Sunbelt Chlor-Alkali, Seminole Electric and Total Chemicals, charging several Class I railroads with charging excessive rates that were regulated by the STB at the time. Shippers had to develop complete stand-alone operations for these Class I railroads for handling their traffic to prove that railroads were charging higher revenue to cost ratios than allowed. RII's assignments involved costing unit train movements, examining operational costs, carloads and traffic volumes, developing optimum operations, necessary staffing and related personnel and administrative costs for each operation.
LaFarge North America (cement manufacturer) v. The Andersons (rail equipment supplier)
RII was tasked as the Court Appointed Special Master for this case between a shipper and a lessor of railcars. Work involved an independent inspection by RII of the entire fleet of railcars, assessment of condition and the lease value for determination of damages.
Personal & Employee Injury Cases
RII has served on 20+ injury cases for injured employees, passengers, general public and contractors. RII has served on behalf of both plaintiffs and defendants and advise, testify and analyze on salvage practices, liability, safety practices and structures, industry practices and benchmarks, regulatory agencies, agreement interpretation, maintenance practices, operations and schedules, hours of service, safety training and audits, certifications, derailments, equipment, etc.
Damages for Norfolk Southern Railroad
RII assisted the railroad in determining specialized damages for this crossing incident where vehicle in crossing was found liable. Damages included all derailment damages to track and structures, right of way and surrounding property, equipment involved, as well as damages in lost revenue and costs for train delays.